What is Teacher Education?

Teachers will also spend most of their time with there young students and generation. In teacher education a graduate is trained to work in schools or colleges as a student. It is a course or a process by which every teacher has to undergo before stepping into the business.
We all know that education is the basic right of every human being. Education makes a man educated, and we need educated persons to educate others. Teacher is the term used for the individuals who teach or educate people. Teacher education is a very important area of education where a trainer is trained. It is also very important because they will inspire their students and they must be well educated broad minded to order to produce healthy and productive individuals.

The goal of a teacher must be to make future teachers and to provide high quality education to the students. A teacher must look forward to develop student's abilities. A student learns many things from their teachers. Teachers must be cool enough while dealing with the students. Short temper individuals can't become a good teacher.