Imagine yourself starting a new life with an enormous amount of student debt waiting to be paid. Most of the students don't know that there are many ways to complete your education without taking a loan. Here are some of the ways that will help you. A lot of things are to be considered before you join in a college. The most important thing that keeps pestering us is the problem of money. The first question that comes to our mind is "How to fund my education?" Your parents may not be able to help you and at the same time you have no money left. This is the time when most of the students fall for the charming student loans and by the time they graduate, their debt would be very huge and enormous.
Be more practical. Don't think of a fancy college unless you have a big funding from either scholarship or from your parents. If this not the case then you have to settle for an in-state public school. You can bring down your overall expenses to $10000 a year by joining an in-state public school. The most important thing that you should keep in your mind before joining in a college is your financial situation.