What is Intelligence Quotient of IQ?

IQ is the acronym for intelligent quotient which refers to a score given for several standardized intelligence tests.
IQ is a measure of relative intelligence determined by a standardized test The first of these was developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet in 1905.
He constructed the IQ test, as it would later be called, to determine which children might need additional help in scholarly pursuits. Today, the IQ test is commonly based on some model of the Stanford Binet Intelligence scale.Not all intelligence can be measured by an IQ test. In fact, primarily, an IQ test measures mathematical and spatial reasoning, logical ability, and language understanding.

Thus a person who is speaking English as a second language might score poorly on the language comprehension aspects of a test, and an IQ test would not be an adequate measurement of intelligence.Most children reach the same level of complexity at about the same time, but some children are slower reaching those levels. A 6-year-old child who can do no more than a 3-year-old has a mental age of 3. Wilhelm Stern divided the mental age by the chronological age to get a “Mental Quotient.”

How to finish your Education?

Imagine yourself starting a new life with an enormous amount of student debt waiting to be paid. Most of the students don't know that there are many ways to complete your education without taking a loan. Here are some of the ways that will help you. A lot of things are to be considered before you join in a college. The most important thing that keeps pestering us is the problem of money. The first question that comes to our mind is "How to fund my education?" Your parents may not be able to help you and at the same time you have no money left. This is the time when most of the students fall for the charming student loans and by the time they graduate, their debt would be very huge and enormous.

Be more practical. Don't think of a fancy college unless you have a big funding from either scholarship or from your parents. If this not the case then you have to settle for an in-state public school. You can bring down your overall expenses to $10000 a year by joining an in-state public school. The most important thing that you should keep in your mind before joining in a college is your financial situation.

What is Home Education?

Parents have a duty to ensure their children are educated but the education legislation in England and Wales does not differentiate between school attendance or education otherwise than at school. Home education is a collective term used in the UK to describe education provided otherwise than through the schooling system.Scots education legislation on the other hand differentiates between public (state) school provision and education “by other means”, which includes both private schooling and home education. Liberated from the formalities of schooling home educating families frequently adopt an informal style of education described as unschooling, informal learning, natural or autonomous learning. Others prefer to retain a structured school at home approach sometimes referred to as homeschooling (a term more popular in the US) although the terms are often interchanged. The numbers of families retaining direct responsibility for the education of their children has steadily increased since the late 1970s following the formation of support groups such as Education Otherwise and Schoolhouse.

What is Counselling?

Counselling is a process that focuses on enhancing the psychological well-being of the client, such that the client is then able to reach their full potential. This is achieved by the counsellor facilitating your personal growth, development, and self-understanding, which in turn empowers you to adopt more constructive life practices.The counsellor can offer a different perspective and help you think of creative solutions to problems.

It can enable you to develop a clearer understanding of your concerns and help you acquire new skills to better manage personal and educational issues. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone not personally involved in your life can be most helpful.

What is Urban Education?

This ground-breaking publication provides thought-provoking commentary on key issues from gender-balanced and racially diverse perspectives.Get hard-hitting, focused analyses of critical concerns facing inner-city schools in Urban Education (UEX). Articles cover topics such as mental health needs of urban students, student motivation and teacher practice, school-to-work programs and community economic development, restructuring in large urban schools and health and social services.

Neighborhoods are being segregated
by social class and the impoverished population is not getting the same
ducational opportunities as the suburban population.Urban schools are at an extreme disadvantage, especially to the children that are attending these schools. Inequalities in education exist from the textbooks provided to the teacher qualifications which in turn affects the quality of education that inner-city children are receiving.

What is Special Education?

The range of special education support will vary based on need and educational jurisdictions. Each country, state or educational jurisdiction will have different policies, rules, regulations and legislation that governs what special education is. Special education is provided to qualifying students at no cost to the parents. There are many students who have special learning needs and these needs are addressed through special education. Special education is in place to provide additional services, support, programs, specialized placements or environments to ensure that all students' educational needs are provided for.

What is educational technology?

The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.. While instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability. "The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theoryEducational Technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications and activities. But there is still debate on what these terms mean.

What are the types Multiple Intelligence of a person?

1.) Visual/Spatial Intelligence
Possible career interests:

navigators, sculptors, visual artists, inventors, architects, interior designers, mechanics, engineers

2.) Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Possible career interests:

Poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, translator

3.) Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Possible career paths:

Scientists, engineers, computer programmers, researchers, accountants, mathematicians

4.) Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Possible career paths:

Athletes, physical education teachers, dancers, actors, firefighters, artisans

5.) Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
Possible career paths:

musician, disc jockey, singer, composer

Should teachers should give reward to the students?

Teachers of habitually disruptive students like using rewards because, in a well-structured reward system, they have the potential of winning students’ compliance fast. Rewarding students for good behavior is a popular classroom discipline procedure. Advocates of using rewards to discipline students with habitually disruptive behaviors claim that rewards promote compliance and stop misbehavior. Opponents of rewards state that rewarding students, an externally oriented procedure (the teacher regularly administers the rewards, not the student) are a way of controlling and manipulating children’s behavior that does little to change permanently the disruptive behavior. In other words, the short-term effect of stopping misbehavior does not translate into a long-term effect of helping children grow and develop better-adjusted ways of behaving.

What is Science?

When we say Science it is an intellectual activity carried on by humans that is designed to discover information about the natural world in which humans live and to discover the ways in which this information can be organized into meaningful patterns. Science involves more than the gaining of knowledge. It is the systematic and organized inquiry into the natural world and its phenomena. Science is about gaining a deeper and often useful understanding of the world. A primary aim of science is to collect facts (data). An ultimate purpose of science is to discern the order that exists between and amongst the various facts.

the systematic observation of natural events and conditions in order to discover facts about them and to formulate laws and principles based on these facts. 2. the organized body of knowledge that is derived from such observations and that can be verified or tested by further investigation. 3. any specific branch of this general body of knowledge, such as biology, physics, geology, or astronomy.

What is Islamic Education?

Islamic education is uniquely different from other types of educational theory and practice largely because of the all-encompassing influence of the Koran. The advent of the Koran in the seventh century was quite revolutionary for the predominantly illiterate Arabian society. The Koran serves as a comprehensive blueprint for both the individual and society and as the primary source of knowledge. Arab society had enjoyed a rich oral tradition, but the Koran was considered the word of God and needed to be organically interacted with by means of reading and reciting its words. Hence, reading and writing for the purpose of accessing the full blessings of the Koran was an aspiration for most Muslims. Thus, education in Islam unequivocally derived its origins from a symbiotic relationship with religious instruction.

What is preschool?

The framework of the preschool education requires the alignment, process and structural components which are linked to each child to provide the academic and social outcomes from them. The system of preschool education is amazingly significant element for the live of a children and it is the initial base for the experience of education that they are going to have.
The preschool education, which is also known as nursery or kindergarten, is the provision of education which is commenced to the children of three to five years of age. There is a complete system of preschool education which is built within a framework created by the professional educators. For this matter, it is very essential that they have the most friendly know-how about things so they can become a man/woman of great character in future. Keeping all these points in your mind, you must find the school for your children which is the best by standard and every aspect.Thus it is the beginning of the beyond doubt social experience and set which they are going to have in addition. Children are exceptionally liable to learn and observe at their younger age as soon as they started to think about things around.

What is Science Education?

We encounter science in our daily life. Learning of science subjects is the fundamental part of our life. Every thing which we face or encounter daily is somehow related to science and scientific processes.Whatever we do or whatever happens is due to science, like gravity, coldness or hotness and every thing. A good science student can become a scientist or a good productive human being. Science is a must for all children to understand the life and all small happenings of this world. Science is also an easy way to teach the students other things and science can be taken as very good examples for other subjects.When we sleep science is used to explain why we are sleeping and why we need sleep. So due to so much abundance of the subject in our daily life science has become the essential subject.

What is Teacher Education?

Teachers will also spend most of their time with there young students and generation. In teacher education a graduate is trained to work in schools or colleges as a student. It is a course or a process by which every teacher has to undergo before stepping into the business.
We all know that education is the basic right of every human being. Education makes a man educated, and we need educated persons to educate others. Teacher is the term used for the individuals who teach or educate people. Teacher education is a very important area of education where a trainer is trained. It is also very important because they will inspire their students and they must be well educated broad minded to order to produce healthy and productive individuals.

The goal of a teacher must be to make future teachers and to provide high quality education to the students. A teacher must look forward to develop student's abilities. A student learns many things from their teachers. Teachers must be cool enough while dealing with the students. Short temper individuals can't become a good teacher.

What is Tertiary Education?

Tertiary education in the Philippines is increasingly less cosmopolitan. From a height of 5,284 foreign of students in 1995-1996 the number steadily declined to 2,323 in 2000-2001, the last year CHED published numbers on its website.[30] In 2000-2001, 19.45% were from the US, 16.96 from South Korea, 13.00 % from Taiwan, and the rest from various other countries.[30] Many Korean students come to the Philippines to study English for 6 months or more, then transfer abroad to other countries for degrees. Some Koreans complete their tertiary education in the Philippines, especially in the temperate climate of Baguio, in the Cordillera highlands.

Higher education is taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, while vocational education and training beyond secondary education is known as further education in the United Kingdom, or continuing education in the United States.

Tertiary education, also referred to as third stage, third level, and post-secondary education, is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, university-preparatory school.

What is Technical and vocational education?

Technical and vocational education is offered to enhance students' practical skills at institutions usually accredited and approved by TESDA. Institutions may be government operated, often by provincial government, or private. They may offer programs ranging in duration from a couple of weeks to two year diploma courses. The vast majority are privately operated and most call themselves colleges.Programs can be technology courses like automotive technology, computer technology, and electronic technology; service courses such as caregiver, nursing aide, hotel and restaurant management; and trades courses such as electrician, plumber, welder, automotive mechanic, diesel mechanic, heavy vehicle operator. Upon graduating from most of these courses, students may take an examination from TESDA to obtain the relevant certificate or diploma.

What is secondary school?

More commonly known as "high school" (Filipino: paaralang sekundarya, sometimes mataas na paaralan), consists of four levels largely based on the American schooling system as it was until the advent of the comprehensive high schools in the US in the middle of last century. The Philippine high school system has not moved much from where it was when the Philippines achieved independence from the US in 1946. It still consists of only four levels with each level partially compartmentalized, focusing on a particular theme or content.
The first year of high school has five core subjects, Algebra I, Integrated Science, English I, Filipino I, and Philippine History I. Second year has Algebra II, Biology, English II, Filipino II, and Asian History. Third year has Geometry, Chemistry, Filipino III, and World History and Geography. Fourth year has Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Filipino IV, Literature, and Economics. Minor subjects may include Health, Music, Arts, Technology and Home Economics, and Physical Education.

What is primary school?

Primary school in the Philippines are more commonly known as "elementary school" (Filipino: paaralang elementarya, sometimes called mababang paaralan). they are consists of six levels, with some schools adding an additional level (level 7). The levels are grouped into two primary subdivisions: primary-level, which includes the first three levels, and intermediate-level, which includes the last three or four levels.
On December 2007, Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced that Spanish is to make a return as a mandatory subject in all Filipino schools starting in 2008.Primary education in the Philippines covers a wide curriculum. The core subjects (major subjects) include Mathematics, Sciences, the English and Filipino languages, and Makabayan (Social Studies, Livelihood Education, Values). Other subjects include Music, Arts, and Physical Education. Starting at the third level, Science becomes an integral part of the core subjects.That announcement has not yet come into effect. In private schools, subjects include Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, Basic Computer, Filipino, Music, Arts and Technology, Home Economics, Health, Physical Education, and in Catholic schools, Religion or Christian Living. International schools and Chinese schools have additional subjects, especially in their language and culture.

Why do people need education?

Why do people need education? No one could question the people’s need for education about 20 years ago because education is not that very important. For us to succeed back then, we need a solid educational background. It was everyone’s dream to go to college in order to gain the necessary knowledge in order to succeed in life. But nowadays, you can see people scoffing at the idea of spending a lot of money on education. Who can blame them? Some of the wealthiest people in the whole world were either college dropouts or didn’t have any education at all. So we take into heart the motto – if they can do it, so can I.

But what will they be missing if they didn’t educate themselves? Why do people need education in the first place? A lot of people seem to be forgetting that education doesn’t stop in school. “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education”. Education in schools is important and you should get it if you can. But never let your education stop inside the four walls of your school but you have to expose yourself to the real world.

Most of the wealthy that didn’t get any college education are into business. On the other hand, there are a lot of educated individuals who fail in business. Why do people need education in business if that’s the case? If you’re going to take a look at the bigger picture, those who succeed never stopped learning. They are into a business that lets them learn, train and educate themselves and the others around them.

Why do Online Education is very much in demand?

Now, with the rapid expansion and evolution of the Internet, online education has become a reality. Distance education of one sort or another has been around for a long time. Correspondence courses helped people learn trades on their own free time, while radio or taped television courses educated students in remote areas. What began as a convenient means of offering internal training to employees via corporate intranets has now spread to the general public over the worldwide web.

It’s now possible to earn a degree from an accredited college without ever setting foot on campus, and more people enroll every year.Online-only colleges and career schools have flourished, and traditional ground-based universities are moving courses and degree programs onto the Internet.

And a majority of the population is now online: in 1997, less than 20% of US households had Internet access. By 2007, that percentage had grown to 61.7%. Internet access took only 7 years to reach 25% of US households, compared with 35 years for the television and 46 for household electricity.The sagging economy has also been good for online education. The Sloan Consortium’s findings revealed that many institutions expect more working adults to turn to continuing education to build new skills or enhance existing ones to better their chances in the job marketplace, and also to avoid paying higher fuel costs as commuter students. As with music, television, and newspapers, higher education needs to move to where the people are if it wants to expand its user base.

This is probably a safe bet: nearly 90 million adults participate in some form of continuing education every year even during good times, according to Census data. The convenience of being able to complete a degree without giving up employment makes online education attractive to working adults. As those adults strive to continue earning, they’ll want to continue learning.

Education in the Philippines

Historically, the Philippines has been a pioneer in many aspects regarding education in all of Asia, and even America or Europe. The oldest universities, colleges, vocational schools and the first modern public education system in Asia were created during the colonial period, and by the time Spain was replaced by the United States as the colonial power, Filipinos were among the most educated subjects in all of Asia.

Filipino children may enter public school at about age four, starting from Nursery up to Kindergarten. At about seven years of age, children enter elementary school for six or seven years. This is followed by secondary school, also called as high school, for four years. Students may then sit for College Entrance Examinations (CEE), after which they may enter tertiary institutions for three to five years.

During the period of governance by the United States, Education in the Philippines changed radically, modeled on the system of Education in the United States of the time. After gaining independence in 1946, changes in the US system were no longer automatically reflected in the Philippines, which has since moved in various directions of its own.

What is Education?

Education refers to the process of learning and acquiring information. Education can be divided into two main types: formal learning through an institution such as a school and self-taught learning or what is often termed life experience. Generally, education is important for learning basic life skills, as well as learning advanced skills that can make a person more attractive in the job market.

knowledge in basic skills, academics, technical, discipline, citizenship or is it something else? Our society says only academic basics are important and that is based on collecting knowledge without understanding its value. How about the processing of knowledge, using inspiration, visionary ambitions, creativity, risk, ability to bounce back from failure, motivation? Most education institutions don’t consider these skills. These skills are associated with understanding the value of knowledge. There is a huge disconnected gap and this is a problem for high school students in particular.